Affordable Logo Design Service in UAE

Affordable Logo Design Service in UAE


Are you an entrepreneur or a business owner who is looking for an affordable logo design service in UAE and needs a detailed guide? You are at the right spot. In this guide, we will explore the whole you need to know to get affordable logo design service in UAE. We will scan through the nitty gritty of the importance of a good logo for your business and the process of picking the right one. We will also walk you through which elements you should consider when getting a modern logo for your business. 

Whether you are a new startup or a business pro who just wants to rebrand your existing business, it is mandatory to get a unique, specific, business category-oriented, and well-designed logo. A professional logo builds consumer trust and attracts your target audience. Ultimately, it gives your business a boost. Let’s explore the process of getting affordable logo design service in UAE step by step. 

Interesting Facts & Statistics about Logo Design

Here are some interesting facts about how logos bring conversions to your business. You will also find some stats about the logo designing market in the UAE. Exploring these, as an entrepreneur, you will be pretty sure about suitable logo colors, font choices, etc., like elements. 

Affordable Logo Design Service in UAE
  • According to some surveys, a well-designed signature logo boosts your brand recognition by 80%.
  • Interestingly, 60% of consumers buy from only those brands whose logos look more attractive, even if they sell low-quality products and have negative reviews. 
  • Very design-driven companies get 32% more revenue annually.
  • Attractive visuals appeal to humans. According to human psychology, a good visual attracts a mind 60,000 times faster than text. Now, you can imagine the power of the logo. 
  • Different colors convey different meanings in logos. Brands focused on conveying trust and professionalism use mostly blue logos. Those brands that want to convey an exciting message or show a high passion mostly use red colors. 
  • 60% of brands use combination marks. They combine text with attractive visuals to convey their messages clearly and quickly. 
  • Almost 73% of brands use sans-serif fonts in their logos. 
  • Hidden messages, e.g. using arrows, click signs, good signs, etc, boost the message conveying speed. 

Why a Good Logo Matters?

Your business logo serves as your business face. People will meet your logo first, before you. It will create a good or bad impression. It will make or break the business connection. So, in short, it grabs the customer’s attention.

  • An attractive logo is itself branding of your business. People are attracted to it and want to know about your business and company.
  • The logo is considered the foundation of your brand identity. The logo color scheme and theme set the color scheme and theme of the whole company.
  • People often forget your company or business name. However, human psychology says our mind can retain visuals longer than text. 
  • It differentiates your business from your competitors. It highlights your business’s uniqueness and specifications. 
  • A very professional logo builds strong brand loyalty and brings your business to repeat customers. 

Types of Logo Design

As an entrepreneur and business owner, you should be aware of different logo types which are in trend in the market. You can’t choose any type randomly because each type has its own purpose. You will choose one that relates to your audience’s intent and your brand’s message. You can choose from the following depending on your business type:

  1. Wordmark: These logos consist only of the brand name. For example, you can check “Google.”
  2. Lettermark: These logos consist of initial letters abbreviating the company’s complete name. For example, IBM is an abbreviation for International Business Machine Corporation. 
  3. Pictorial Mark: These logos are solely based on images. The “Apple” logo is an example. 
  4. Abstract Mark: These logos are also called metaphorical or symbolic logos, and they consist of symbolic characters. The Nike Swoosh is the best example of this type of logo. 
  5. Mascot: These logos are based solely on characters. You can check the KFC logo to understand it better. 
  6. Combination Mark: These logos are combination marks. They contain text plus images. The Adidas logo is the best example of a combination mark. 
  7. Emblem: Some logos are just like a badge. Emblem is one of them. You can check the logo of Starbucks to understand these logos better. 
  8. Badge-like logos (e.g., Starbucks)

What Are the Key Elements of a Modern Logo Design?

They are not the so-called modern. They are a mixture of logos’ classic design with the latest and trending ideas. This way, these logos present deep meaning, preserving their classic designs with a fresh look. A modern logo conveys your business message in a better way. Here are the key elements to consider: 

  1. Typography: The typeface or font family is one of the core pillars of modern logos. As we discussed, most logos use the Sans Serif font family just because of its cleanliness and a little stylishness. 
  2. Icons and Geometric Shapes: Modern logos contain a wider range of such elements. These elements add visual effects to your logo without adding an image. 
  3. Color Palette: Modern logos use both bold and minimalist colors. So, it depends on your own choice. But remember, the color choice should not be random. It should relate to your business category. 
  4. Negative Space: Modern logos widely use negative space. It gives your business logo depth and easily conveys the message. 
  5. Simplicity: Modern logos dignify simplicity. Your logo should be simple, clean, and versatile, delivering different meanings simultaneously. It will be successful only if it looks good in all formats e.g. print and digital form. 

Factors to Consider When Choosing Affordable Logo Design Service in UAE

As a business owner, you should be aware of on-target business representation. This can only be possible when you consider high-quality and professional logo design. Make sure the service you are hiring for your logo creation is professional, expert, experienced, and committed to checking their business portfolio. 

  • Make sure the service provider provides you with customization options. He should be flexible regarding revisions to adjust the design to your business identity and vision. Avoid those providers trying to offer one-size-fits-all logo services. 
  • Another factor is turnaround time, or in short, TAT. It should be reasonable and not too long. If you have a tight schedule, hire a service with a professional team to provide you with a shorter duration. You should discuss your required time duration in advance. 
  • Also, consider the professionalism and smoothness of the customer support. Do your best research and compare different services in terms of the facilities they provide and the costs they charge. Then, pick which is appropriate for you. 
Logo Design Service in UAE

What Are the Factors Affecting the Cost of Logo Design Services?

A complex logo design is always overpriced. Similarly, a highly customized logo that is unique to your brand will also cost more. The provider’s experience in the relevant field and the range of expertise he has will also affect the cost. If you want a short turnaround time, then the cost will be high. Moreover, the size and design of the logo also affect the cost factor. 

But it’s also important to note that a DIY/logo maker tool will cost you quite low compared to a freelance logo designer, and a design agency will cost you more than the freelancers. So, you should assess your needs first and then set a budget range. Then, hire the service that you feel is suitable at that time for you. 

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Logo Design

Do not impede your logo design. It will not convey the exact message you want your business to convey. 

  • The logo should strictly align with your brand identity.
  • Also, avoid using too many colors.
  • Moreover, you should only use a maximum of 2 font styles in a single logo. Too many font styles cause destruction and complicate the message.
  • Consider those logos that look good in any format and at any scalability without being blurred.

Why Choose Archtech for Affordable Logo Design Service in UAE?

Archtech is a pioneer in custom logo design, strongly powered by the vision of delivering creative, engaging design that helps build brand loyalty. Our experienced professional designers successfully create distinct brand identities that speak to customers.

With years of experience working for different clients, from entrepreneurs and startups to large organizations, our passion for design and expertise in our field help us devise winning strategies that meet the satisfaction criteria of our clients. We are prominent for our customized logo design service serving all types of clients worldwide through our platform.

Archtech offers pocket-friendly affordable logo design service in UAE customized to produce positive outcomes for your business.


Wrapping up our discussion, we can say it is necessary to choose a logo design service that is affordable and provides excellence with their commitments. After having a complete review of this article, you have now gained comprehensive knowledge about logo design services, what they offer, and how to choose the right ones that suit best your business needs.

Utilizing this knowledge, choose an affordable logo design service in UAE to develop a strong identity for your brand.

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